Mistakes to avoid while choosing recruitment agencies in Dubai

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Any one in Dubai who may be in a position that they need employment or are in a position where they are in the process of recruiting employees, they tend to challenge themselves when seeking for a competent recruitment agency to hire. Indeed, there is a great variety of recruitment agencies in Dubai, and, thus, it is not very difficult to get lost and make a wrong choice concerning the agency that is worth cooperating with. Provided you avoid these mistakes, you will be in a good position of getting the best of the talent there is in the market.

  1. Avoid Generic Full-Service Agencies

Probably one of the biggest mistakes that companies make is selecting what is known as a full-service recruitment agency which implies that the agency deals with all types of recruitment. Business requirements for recruitment are significantly divergent across industries, and therefore, it would benefit you to engage an agency with a strong client base in your kind of industry. 

For instance, the direction that the banking and finance organizations are headed in terms of hiring and the availability as well as type of candidates they are likely to find can be very different from the same for the hospitality or the oil and gas industries. Make sure that the Dubai recruitment agency has a good success rate and a good feel of the set skills along with the other attributes the candidate would require to work in your organization. Referral of their current list of clientele also gives an indication of whether they have covered your area of interest.

  1. Don’t Prioritize Speed over Quality

Though one might be tempted to opt for an agency that offers a way to get to vast numbers of potential candidates instantly, speed is not the main priority. Be cautious on how thorough they have been with regard to the screening of skills, experiences, credentials, leadership qualities, organizational culture, remunerations etc. 

The employment of those Dubai executive search firms with properly formulated and selective screening procedures yields significantly superior shortlists of profiles that are more likely to fit the given role. One way of avoiding the time and money being spent on candidates who do not possess relevant experience is by using a recruitment agency that will not mind taking time when searching in addition to shortlisting candidates.

  1. Look Beyond Easily Accessible Talent

One source of irritation is when agencies offer the same database of easily accessible and noticeable talents instead of broadening the search to reach out for talent that might not be so easy to locate on your own. As for the best headhunters in Dubai, they are not only great at dealing with extensive networks in Dubai but also in the international sphere. 

For instance, targeting the large population of expatriates in Dubai can produce people who have worked for local organizations that can make them good employees to multinationals. Being open to recruit senior or niche profiles especially, but also at the international level, the possibility to attract talented candidates willing to move from their own country outperforms the competition against other companies only opening their search to local applicants. See if they have resources as well as headhunting capability that define the scope of their outreach from other Dubai executive recruitment agencies that fail to identify ‘passive’ high quality talent.

  1. Set Realistic Timeframes

As team managers and hiring authorities hurry up to fill urgent talent needs, they may get carried away with expectations on how soon the agency should deliver the perfect candidates. However, ensure that you state well defined and understood expectations in terms of time required for the search. Headhunting high quality candidates who are not looking for jobs and are in secure positions requires more attention than merely advertising vacancies to active seekers hence taking time as opposed to conventional methods of advertising vacancies. 

Where your communication priorities involve sheer candidate volume or high-quality candidates, be direct about these strategies so that your Dubai recruitment consultants adjust their approach correctly. Good recruitments require a lot of effort and cannot be hurried and this is why perfect recruitment takes a lot of due diligence. Remind them to remain patient and to have faith in the process they have employed in their search for the outcomes you seek.

  1. Clarify All Financial Aspects

When using outside methods of getting human resource talents, then it is crucial that all financial aspects at play must be made clear right from the start. When considering entering into a business relationship, be it working together on a single project or anything more serious like a joint venture or a contractual partnership, it is worthwhile to conduct thorough research regarding the fee and the policies that such companies have in place. Be cautious about the high ‘hidden costs’ which are normally incorporated in the candidate placement fees by most of the recruitment agencies in Dubai and these hidden costs are only revealed to the candidates once they are selected and appointed. 

Finally, always learn the instances where an extra fee is charged – including where client guarantees or searches are extended. Determine which fee terms are reasonable enough to cover your organization’s costs by cross-referencing them with benchmarks on the market. Using the open lines of communication, arrive at a consensus of how the agency fees are determined that is ethical and credible rather than to favour extreme profiteering at the expense of clients, and the second is to have the best opportunities for hiring substandard candidates.   


It is possible to avoid the above mistakes and, having thoroughly weighed all the options, identify the top recruiting companies in Dubai that would help comprehensively meet your staffing needs. Their skills in identifying qualified talents who can blend your organization’s vision make them a perfect partner in developing great teams. Proper candidate screening measures, credibility, and control of the best talents by these recruitment agencies turns hiring into a probability and a competitive weapon.