5 Amazing Features of Liquid EHR

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Managing healthcare when dealing with patients with eye conditions can be extremely difficult. This is especially the case when you are working without any software. However, EMR software can make a huge difference when it comes to managing patient care. One such software that is to be considered is Liquid EHR.

In this article, let’s explore some of the big benefits of using software like Liquid. You may find that a lot of these features are beloved by Liquid EHR reviews. So, without further ado, here are some of the features you will love about Liquid!

What Is Liquid EHR?

So, let’s get started by addressing what Liquid is. The software is built for optometrists and includes all the features you may need to manage eye-related conditions. The aim of the software is to provide doctors with the features they may need to organize their work. The software is built to be a completely intuitive tool for optometrists.

How Does EHR Impact Optometry Practices

So, why do optometrists need an EHR to manage the care that they provide? Of course, as a specialist in your field, you have all the knowledge you need to deal with patients. However, what can make things easier is software to automate the other work you do. A software like Liquid EHR can be essential to automate and quick work.

Aside from managing the tasks at your practice, an EHR also has applications on the clinical side. The EHR can help with a lot of clinical tasks, such as patient documentation. Why are these tools important? Well, you may need these tools in order to manage a better patient experience. Using these tools, you can connect with patients instead of doing paperwork.

An EHR can also help out when managing patient care because it is quick and efficient. With just a few clicks, you can navigate the software in a quick way. You can manage screens in a seamless way to avoid delays in managing care. So, as we have established so far, there are numerous benefits to providing care for patients using an EHR.

What Are The Best Features of Liquid EHR?

Now, let’s talk about the features available in Liquid EHR? All of these features have garnered some amazing software reviews. This means that anyone that has used the software knows what it has to offer. Here are some of the features of Liquid.

Manage Image Storage Through Secure Means

Because you deal with eye care during the course of the work you do, you will have to store images. You may order tests as you manage patients, and a lot of the results you receive are in the form of images. Therefore, an appropriate EHR will help you store such images. The secure platform is also compliant with HIPAA regulations to make sure all data is safe.

Connect With Patients In a Portal Setting

Patient portals are an important tool that can be essential to connecting with patients. This is an important and crucial part of the work that you do. A portal is essential to help you manage communication with patients. It can also assist in the process of appointment scheduling and sharing of information. This helps you manage administrative tasks.

Use Convenient And Easy Online Prescriptions

Prescribing medications to patients is an important part of the work you do. This can be made much easier when you use Liquid. This is because the software helps you send the prescription straight to the pharmacy that your patients prefer. This will help avoid issues with retention with patients. The patient can easily also ask for refills in case they need them.

Manage Efficient Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling appointments can be made much easier when you use Liquid. This software makes it much easier to manage all of the appointments that can be scheduled. Patients and doctors can both request the option that makes it easier to reschedule any appointment that is coming up. This helps organize the whole process of efficiently manage appointments.

Meet Patients Through Telemedicine Capabilities

In the current pandemic, there has been a need to change how medicine is carried out. This has given rise to the use of telemedicine features. The process is essentially using video conferencing software to meet patients.

What Is The Liquid EHR Pricing Plan?

Are you wondering how to get a pricing plan for Liquid? Well, you can reach out to the vendor for information. Considering the extent of what you need from the software, a customized plan can be created for you. There are different versions of the software, for example, when you get the onsite or the cloud software.

If you choose to opt for the onsite software in Liquid, you can get it at a cost of $199 every month. This comes with the setup, an unlimited number of users, and much more. The cloud software of liquid can also be accessed when you use $299 every month. This also comes with a free setup process and even the ability to have five concurrent users.

Final Note – Should I Get Liquid EHR?

After reading about the features of Liquid EHR, you may be considering the software. While we don’t know the extent of what your practice needs, we cannot make a direct recommendation. However, we can say that the software is an excellent way to manage an optometrists’ practice.

A great way to decide if Liquid is right for you is to try and do your research. We’ve listed out the features that you can find when you use the software. Compare that with a list of the benefits you need from an EMR. If you find that there is a good match between the two lists, you can consider getting the software.